Introduction Speech-to-text (ASR) and Text-to-speech functionaity using bitVizor

Cost savings might have been the basic impetus for companies to switch over to VoIP but over the last few years, many organizations have discovered the advanced capabilities under the hood of their new VoIP deployments. So it is not surprising to see that service providers are pushing the boundaries of what is possible and taking advantage of the latest innovations to create unique services.

Accurately convert speech into text with an API powered by the best of BCL's AI research and technology.


The latest in the steady stream of advancements offered by BCL is speech to text functionality. Most people are familiar with text-to-speech, a technology that is widely used on mobile devices to help those with disabilities communicate more effectively. The speech to text feature offered by BCL is essentially the opposite of that – it transcribes conversations into text .

This feature allows users to benefit from automatic transcription of voice messages. It is aimed squarely at enterprises where users often have a need to write down information exchanged during phone calls. Many businesses currently use manual transcription services but it can be a cumbersome and time-consuming process. By integrating this functionality with the existing VoIP services, BCL has made it much easier for enterprises to utilize it.


Text to speech (TTS) is the foundational technology behind high-quality self-service apps. It can give your business the ability to deliver intelligent self-service options while improving customer experience and reducing the workload of your team in the process. By using text to voice, you can reduce operational costs and uniform your overall brand image in the process.

How does Speech-to-text (ASR) works

The speech to text functionality launched by BCL is made possible because of advancements made in other technology areas such as voice recognition and machine intelligence. Thus organizations are able to unlock data that would otherwise be hidden or lost in the millions of day to day business conversations.

BCL ASR Module for FreeSWITCH

BCL has developed a custom module for FreeSWITCH to provide ASR and TTS functionality, which can help you create Voice Bot apps using standard FreeSWITCH dialplan.

Our ASR and TTS module is opensource and you can download/fork the code from github.

Click here to view code
  • Transcribe your content with accurate captions
  • Improve your service with insights from customer interactions
  • Increase your IVR functionality by using BCL's TTS services

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